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Recommended Books

Never enough : when achievement culture becomes toxic--and what we can do about it - A pencil sharpened down to the nub with the lead broken
A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago Style for students and researchers - Red, white, blue and black cover
Beyond the asterisk : understanding Native students in higher education - A beaded asterisk
Metrics that matter : counting what's really important to college students - Three yellow weighted pegs on one side of a seesaw and a red weighted peg on the other side holding up the others
Creating our own lives : college students with intellectual disability - Drawings of different backpacks
How education works : teaching, technology, and technique - Geometrics blocks stacked on one another
Picture a professor : interrupting biases about faculty and increasing student learning - Crushed red chalk
Inquiry and research : a relational approach in the classroom - A blurred view out of a scope
Losing the Precious Few : how America fails to educate its minorities in science and engineering - Picture of five men sitting outside on the steps talking
Introducing scholarly research : ready-to-use lesson plans and activities for undergraduates - Blue background

Recommended eBooks

On Indian Ground : The Southwest - Graduation caps with one of them decorated in Indian designs
Reframing academic leadership - The word reframing is written in pencil, a red pencil is sticking out higher than the surrounding blue ones
Dissertating During a Pandemic: Narratives of Success from Scholars of Color - A person hugging a college graduate
American Indian Studies : Native PhD Graduates Gift Their Stories - Photos of Native American Graduates
Engaging learners through Zoom : strategies for virtual teaching across disciplines - A computer monitor with nine blocks/people in the meeting
Beyond Access : Indigenizing Programs for Native American Student Success - Native American beaded moccasins arranged in a circle
Critical Literacy and Its Impact on Black Boys' Reading Readiness - A man standing in a library holding a book
Young, gifted and missing: the underrepresentation of African American males in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines - Green background
Academically gifted African American male college students - a close up of a face
Essentials of assessing, preventing, and overcoming reading difficulties - A pencil and a pen at the top of the cover
Racial equity on college campuses : connecting research and practice - Blue and yellow background