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Teaching and Learning Center

The Teaching and Learning Center at UNCP promotes the teaching excellence for which the University is known by generating the ideas, activities, and enthusiasm that foster quality teaching and learning.

The TLC seeks to foster an environment where teaching is rewarded and recognized as an opportunity and a privilege. Assisted by the Task Force on Teaching Excellence, its advisory body, the Teaching and Learning Center fulfills its mission by providing faculty with opportunities to attend presentations and workshops on teaching, the annual Summer Institute on Online and Hybrid Course Development, and the annual Faculty Development Day. Faculty have access to learning resources; and apply for grants for research and professional development, teaching enhancement.

The Teaching and Learning Center recommends a collection of books located in the Mary Livermore Library. To browse this collection, search "teaching and learning center" from the home page of the library. 

Search Bar Image


Once this search opens in Primo, scroll to the bottom and locate the filter for Local Subject Headings in the left hand menu, select "Teaching And Learning Center", and apply filter.

Image of Primo Filter


This will return all books held in the library that are recommended by The Teaching and Learning Center. 

Primo Results Page

Physical books can be located in the reference collection on the first floor or within the call number ranges provided here. 

General Education    

L 7-991                
History     LA 5-2396
Theory & Practice    LB 5-3640
Textbooks    LT 16-501
Literature - Study and Teaching PN 59-72 


Academic articles will not be freely available through a web search. If you find these items doing a web search you will be asked to pay to access them. The library’s web page provides the access point for these academic sources. Browzine allows you to search Mary Livermore Libraries subscribed journals in an easy, visual manner. Primo, the library’s catalog, also enables access to entire journals, which can then be searched internally. At the top of the Primo homepage, there is the option to search by journal and you can filter by subject or search the journal title direction. 

Some suggested Journals include:

Arts Natural Sciences and Mathematics Teaching and Learning Social and Behavioral Sciences Letters

Art Education 

International Journal of Art & Design Education 

International Journal of Education & the Arts 

International Journal of Education Through Art 

Journal of Aesthetic Education 

Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 

Journal for Learning through the Arts 

Studies in Art Education 

Teaching Artist Journal 

Journal of Dance Education 

Contributions to Music Education 

Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 

International Journal of Music Education 

Journal of Historical Research in Music Education 

Journal of Music Teacher Education 

Journal of Music Theory 

Journal of Research in Music Education 

Music Education Research 

Music Educators Journal 

Philosophy of Music Education Review 

Update: Applications of Research in Music Education 

The American Biology Teacher 

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 

Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 

Journal of Chemical Education 

Journal of Engineering Education 

International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education 

Journal of College Science Teaching 

Journal of Environmental Education 

Natural Sciences Education 

NACTA (North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture) Journal 

American Journal of Health Education 

International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 

Journal of Nursing Education 

Nurse Educator 

College Mathematics Journal 

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 

Journal of Statistics Education 

The Physics Teacher 

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 

College Teaching 

Designs for Learning 

Innovative Higher Education 

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem Based Learning 

The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 

The Journal of Faculty Development 

Journal of the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition 

The Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 

Journal of Online Teaching & Learning 

Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 

Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 

Metacognition and Learning 

New Directions for Teaching and Learning 

Peer Review 

The Review of Higher Education 

Journal of Accounting Education 

Issues in Accounting Education 

Accounting Education 

Anthropology & Education Quarterly 

Journal of Education for Business 

The International Journal of Management Education 

Journal of Marketing Education 

Journal of Teaching in International Business 

Career Development Quarterly 

Journal of Economic Education 

Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences 

Journal of Geography in Higher Education 

Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 

Journal of Political Science Education 

Teaching of Psychology 

Journal of Social Work Education 

Journal of Teaching in Social Work 

Theory and Research in Social Education 

Teaching Sociology 

College Composition & Communication 

College English 

Communication Education 

Communication Teacher 

Composition Forum 

Composition Studies 

Journal of English for Academic Purposes 

Journalism and Mass Communication Educator 


Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 

Research in the Teaching of English 

Foreign Language Annals 

Language Learning & Technology 

Language Teaching 

Language Teaching Research 

Modern Language Journal 

Interdisciplinary Humanities 

Journal of Moral Education 


Studies in Philosophy and Education 

Religious Education 

Research in Drama Education 

Theatre Topics 

English Education 

Research in the Teaching of English 

Second Language Research 

The History Teacher 


Teaching Journals Directory

  • Kennesaw State University's Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning provides an extensive list of external disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) focused on undergraduate and graduate education for teachers at colleges and universities, organized alphabetically. You can locate journals by title, topic or discipline through this resource.

Recommended Books

A measure of success : from assignment to assessment in English language arts
Look to the mountain : an ecology of indigenous ed

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