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ACRL’s Standards, Guidelines, and Frameworks, Checkmark in circle logo

ACRL’s Standards, Guidelines, and Frameworks are provided as a free resource to the academic library community. This page will offer teaching faculty and professors at UNCP some context for the ACRL Framework and how if might be integrated into their courses. Mary Livermore Library offers instruction support pertaining to information literacy and research skills, as well as course reserves to directly address research needs of certain courses. 

 For more information, please contact Elizabeth Jones at


Mary Livermore Library is proud to offer another dynamic presentation as part of the Faculty Research Colloquium Series, which seeks to promote and celebrate UNCP's Faculty Researchers and Authors. This series hopes to provide a format for cross-departmental research and discussion. Sponsored in part by the Faculty Research Advisory Board.

Speaker: Dr. Mike Berntsen

Title: Teaching Traumatized Generations: Understanding Moral Injury Can Help Course Design

Abstract: Teachers and students would mutually benefit from a stronger understanding of how neurological conditions impact the way in which people learn, think, and complete tasks. How people experience moral injury through general traumatic events and triggers can affect how they process information. Since the study of moral injury is relatively new, teachers can benefit from understanding this condition to help explain why certain students feel anxiety concerning course design and instruction. By recognizing how prevalent moral injury can be, teachers can think and rethink ways to convey and assess learning outcomes.