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Research Help

Knowing What You Need!

The Development of Study about a Topic

What do you know about how certain topics have been studied in the past? Why is that important to think about?

If you don't know anything about what kinds of studies have been done within a certain topic, you run the risk of repeating research that has already been done, or missing vital information to help you develop a conclusion. 

For example, maybe you are interested in DNA profiling. Do you know what other people are researching? What are the current and past trends within the field of DNA profiling. What are the possible repercussions of conducting DNA profiling research out of context?


  • DNA Profiling (testing) started in the 1980s in the criminal justice world to locate perpetrators of crimes
  • DNA Profiling is the basis for the Innocence Project, to use DNA evidence to prove convicted people were wrongfully imprisoned. 
  • DNA testing is very widely used in the search for ancestor and family genealogical information
  • Some companies that provide DNA testing sell DNA information to law enforcement, employers, insurance companies, etc. 

Now that you know some facts, it is going to be easier to decide on a research question. What part of DNA profiling are you most interested in? When you decide, first start looking into what other people are doing in that area. Who is going to be involved?

Continuing this example, maybe you want to know how US citizens are affected if ancestor and family genealogy companies sell their DNA to insurance companies. After Googling a little, you might find information about GINA, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Now maybe you want to know if companies are charged and held accountable under this act, or how they use the exceptions in this act to still affect consumers. Because this topic addresses illegal actions and government policies, people who are involved in research about this may include lawyers, politicians, legal reporters, and political or social scientists. Start to think about how the people involved would release information. 

Where would lawyers and legal reporters publish information?

What about politicians?

What about political or social scientists?


Concept Maps:

Once you know what general topic you are interested in, it is important to narrow your topics to focus on a specific aspect of that topic. Brainstorming and concept maps are used to help you think about topics and see what you are interested in.  In some ways they are visual word associations-- this is how this concept connects to another.

There are a lot of ways to brainstorm and Coggle is an app that can help you visualize this process. You will need to sign in with a Google or Outlook email. 

Here is a video of a Coggle that one of our librarians did.  This is an example of how to use Coggle to make a concept map.




Writing a Research Question

There are a lot of different ways to write a research question depending on the assignment, professor, or topic. However in general here are a few tips to creating a solid research question.

Topic: Interesting, focused, and relevant. You should choose a topic that you are passionate about and interested in researching. Your interest will be communicated to your audience and it will help them to engage with your work. You should also narrow your topic to address one specific facet of your subject. This will let you explore one area thoroughly instead of having to just give a brief overview that may not offer any new information to your audience. Lastly, make sure your topic is still relevant. It you are researching how pay phones offer access to emergency services like police and EMS, that isn't as relevant now as it was before cell phones became ubiquitous.  

Affected Population: How does this topic interact with the world? Who is helped/harmed by this topic? Who is involved with the solution?

Anticipated Outcome: What do you hope will happen/change/improve?

Language: Clear, concise, unambiguous = Avoid confusing or misunderstanding language.



How can private citizens encourage local and state governments to push for Native American and Tribal histories to be a requirement for high school graduation? 

Should medical apps like weight loss or period trackers sell private users information to third-party data brokers?

What are the environmental effects for bees and butterflies of planting native flowering vegetation instead of cultivating a mowed grass lawn?

Additional Tips

Try to find issues that you encounter daily and that impact your life or your discipline in some way.

Research Question Tips!!

  • It should ask about a group* (Can students avoid procrastination by creating a study calendar?)
  • It should mention the main topic (Can students avoid procrastination by creating a study calendar?)
  • It should mention a possible way to get to that topic (Can students avoid procrastination by creating a study calendar?)

*Groups don't have to be people. It could be the economy, test scores, population numbers, etc)


Are children smarter (or more socialized) because of the Internet?

How much weekly exercise is needed to achieve lasting health benefits for adults

What are the effects on children whose parents push them in sports?

What activities increase the amount of library interaction at academic libraries?

Types of Sources, Open Book, What Type of Sources Do You Need, Books, Articles, Government Details, Newspapers, Reference Resources, Primary Historical Documents, Dissertations, Data

What Type of Sources Do You Need?

One of the questions you can ask to determine what type of source you are looking for relates to understanding what time period relevant to an event or to the present you are hoping to find information from is.

  • Do you need information that is time sensitive (e.g. after a scientific discovery, before a law was passed)

Another useful question looks at the author or authority.

  • Who are you interested in hearing from? An eyewitness? The CEO of a company? A scientist/doctor/anthropologist? 

Lastly, ask yourself about what purpose you want this information to fill.

  • Why was this information written and published? Were they trying to educate? to sell something? to slander? to advertise or get clicks online?

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources

When searching for information on a topic, it is important to understand the value of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.

Primary sources allow researchers to get as close as possible to original ideas, events, and empirical research as possible. Such sources may include creative works, first hand or contemporary accounts of events, and the publication of the results of empirical observations or research.

Secondary sources analyze, review, or summarize information in primary resources or other secondary resources. Even sources presenting facts or descriptions about events are secondary unless they are based on direct participation or observation. Moreover, secondary sources often rely on other secondary sources and standard disciplinary methods to reach results, and they provide the principal sources of analysis about primary sources.

Tertiary sources provide overviews of topics by synthesizing information gathered from other resources. Tertiary resources often provide data in a convenient form or provide information with context by which to interpret it.

The distinctions between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources can be ambiguous. An individual document may be a primary source in one context and a secondary source in another. Encyclopedias are typically considered tertiary sources, but a study of how encyclopedias have changed on the Internet would use them as primary sources. Time is a defining element.

While these definitions are clear, the lines begin to blur in the different discipline areas.

Peer Review and Research

The article "Peer Review in Scientific Publications" discusses the importance of peer review: "Peer review ... is now used not only to ensure that a scientific manuscript is experimentally and ethically sound, but also to determine which papers sufficiently meet the journal’s standards of quality and originality before publication. Peer review is now standard practice by most credible scientific journals, and is an essential part of determining the credibility and quality of work submitted" (Kelly, Sadeghieh, & Adeli; 2014).

Peer review offers a general expectation that the research presented is as follows:

  • Conducted ethically (approved by an IRB if necessary)
    • Under FDA regulations, an Institutional Review Board (IRB) is group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects... This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects (
  • Conducted with repeatable and accurate results
  • Focused on the subject of journal/issue where it was published
  • Of academic quality
  • Original research


Before the modern peer review process was established, collaboratively validating information was still practiced, even earlier than the printing press. Once printing made publication a faster process, 

"Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society is thought to be the first journal to formalize the peer review process in 1665, however, it is important to note that peer review was initially introduced to help editors decide which manuscripts to publish in their journals, and at that time it did not serve to ensure the validity of the research. It did not take long for the peer review process to evolve, and shortly thereafter papers were distributed to reviewers with the intent of authenticating the integrity of the research study before publication" (Kelly, Sadeghieh, & Adeli; 2014). [Emphasis added]

Structure of an Article

The parts of a peer reviewed paper include the abstract, introduction, the method and material, results, the conclusions, and the references. 

Abstract: The author of a paper will need to also write an abstract to explain in short what the research will address. An abstract will not be more than a paragraph and is not part of the actual research presentation. It should not be cited as a source as it functions more like the blurb on the back of a book. 

Introduction: The introduction will present the research question, some context for why that question is important, and probably some information about how they will conduct their research. This is a good place to scan when you are determining how useful an article will be. 

Methodology / Materials: Any original experimental research paper will include a section talking about how their experiment was conducted and what material they used. For a humanities article, this could be a survey with conversational answers (qualitative results) or a numerical dataset for how many individuals from certain demographics utilized a social program and reported measurable effects like reduced debt, increased terminal education degrees, fewer teen pregnancies or drug overdoses (quantitative results). For STEM articles, this could include chemical components, strings of coding, building material, or soil samples and explicate descriptions of those materials, quantities, and actions. 

Results: With any experiment or research project, the results are very important even if they don't give you the result you were expecting. Even a negative result will tell you something. These results could be qualitative (interview questions, personal experiences, emotional or subjective perceptions), quantitative (numerical, statistics, measurable, tangible) or mixed methods (both qualitative and quantitative results). A peer reviewed article will present their results and explain their analysis of those results.

Conclusion: This section will often offer advice, future research opportunities, possible conflicts of interest from the authors or their funders, restate the answer they arrived at or why they didn't find an answer at all during their research. This is another good place to scan for a quick overview.

References: This is the list of citations for the resources that were used in the research process. Often there is a Literature Review section before the description of the experiment/survey/original work that puts this  paper into context. Any material cited will be included in the list of references. 

Process of Peer Review

"When a scholarly work is submitted to a scientific journal, it first undergoes a preliminary check known as a desk review. The editor decides if the manuscript should be sent for peer review or be immediately rejected. The next step is to select experts from the same field who are qualified and able to review the work impartially. Ideally the work is evaluated by multiple experts...

"Peer reviewers normally provide their assessment in the form of a questionnaire which they return to the editor. This forms the basis for deciding whether the work should be accepted, considered acceptable with revisions, or rejected. Submissions with serious failings will be rejected, though they can be re-submitted once they have been thoroughly revised....

"If a work is rejected, this does not necessarily mean it is of poor quality. A paper may also be rejected because it doesn't fall within the journal's area of specialization or because it doesn't meet the high standards of novelty and originality required by the journal in question... It is therefore common for authors to submit their paper to a different journal after receiving a rejection" (Publisso, 2017).

Types of Peer Review

  • single-blind peer review: the name of the reviewer is hidden from the author;
  • double-blind peer review: both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous to each other. (Publisso, 2017)
  • Open peer review—reviewers are aware of the authors’ identities and authors are aware of the reviewers’ identities. A disadvantage of this method (and single-blinded peer review) is that reviewers may be biased by knowing the identities of the authors.
  • Post-publication peer review—this is a newer form of peer review, whereby peer review takes place after publication. Manuscripts or “preprints,” that have not yet been peer reviewed can be published on “preprint servers.” Important scientific organizations such as the Medical Research Council, now actively encourage preprint servers, as well as citation of preprints and their use in grant applications3. This means that traditional forms of publication bias are reduced. This includes the “file drawer problem” whereby studies with positive findings are more likely to be published, while those with negative/nonconfirmatory results are ignored. As content can be evaluated by the scientific community as a whole, the biases of individual reviewers are minimized.
  • Preprint publication also bypasses the bottleneck of peer reviewing, so manuscripts can be published more quickly. However, in the interim between publication and peer review, this can mean mistakes and poor quality research is open to the scientific community2,4.
  • Collaborative peer review—during the peer review process, peer reviewers can view each other’s comments, interact, and produce a final peer review report. This has been investigated by Elsevier, in the journals Molecular CellNeuron, and Cell5. Compared with the traditional process, results were largely positive from reviewers, editors and authors in terms of the final product. However, the process usually took longer than traditional peer review.
  • Interactive peer review—in this process, work is first screened by an editor for ethical issues and unacceptable writing. Then peer reviewers work directly with authors—often on an online forum. Reviewers provide real-time feedback to authors and can collaborate with other reviewers in this process and hold discussion with authors about recommendations. Once all authors and reviewers unanimously agree on the final product, the manuscript can be published. Peer reviewers are also listed on the paper and are invited to provide a supplementary commentary6. This process has been used by the frontiers publishing group. Although seen to be a more collaborative process and potentially faster due to real-time discussion, this method has not been adopted by many mainstream journals (Koshy, Fowler, Gundogan, & Agha, 2018).

Why Peer Review?

 Arguments Against:

  • Bias—reviewers also have inherent bias due to their own research interests and a myriad of other reasons. As they can act as gatekeepers to publication, this can skew the published literature and disillusion authors. 
  • Inconsistency—rarely do 2 peer reviewers form the same impression and provide similar recommendations. This can provide conflicting messages to authors.
  • Delay in time to publication—as peer review forms the main bottleneck to publication, this can be frustrating for authors and lead to publications that are no longer relevant or contemporaneous at the time of publication (Koshy, Fowler, Gundogan, & Agha, 2018).

Arguments For:

  • Importance to the scientific community and readers - Peer review is important because it serves to uphold the quality of the literature as well as advance the scientific knowledge base. 

  • Importance to governments, responsible authorities, and industry - Scientific research has far reaching applications beyond academia. It is instructive in governmental policies, regional schemes, and in industry. All of these areas rely on high quality research, of which peer review in instrumental. 

  • Importance to authors - Providing comments and suggesting revisions to authors ... with the intent of improving the ultimately finished product... is often an invaluable tool for authors since it allows them to produce a more polished and rigorous piece of work. 

  • Importance to editors - A well peer-reviewed manuscript is essential for journal editors in deciding whether a manuscript is suitable for publication. 

  • Prestige - Being invited to peer review a paper suggests the reviewer’s knowledge of the field and/or critical appraisal skills are respected enough to be entrusted with gauging the quality of scientific research. 

  • Awareness of the field - Peer reviewing allows access to a larger breadth of the scientific literature. It also enables reviewers to read the most up-to-date research that others do not yet have access to and before it is put into the public domain (Koshy, Fowler, Gundogan, & Agha, 2018).

Peer Review and You

For most of you, any research you will do at UNCP  will require you to use peer reviewed articles. Basically, peer-reviewed articles is a fairly certain method of finding academic level information that has already been evaluated for correctness. Information found online will need more of your time and energy to decide if it is accurate and academic. By using peer reviewed articles, you can engage with information that both you and your professor will consider appropriate for academic research. 


Kelly, J., Sadeghieh, T., & Adeli, K. (2014). Peer Review in Scientific Publications: Benefits, Critiques, & A Survival Guide. EJIFCC, 25(3), 227–243.

Koshy, K., Fowler, A., Gundogan, B., & Agha, R. (2018) Peer review in scholarly publishing part A: why do it? International Journal of Surgery Oncology3(2), pp 56. doi: 10.1097/IJ9.0000000000000056

Peer Review: Why is it important? (2017, November). Publisso

Additional Information

What is a Scholarly Journal

 Most instructors at the college level require that you include scholarly journals when you write a research paper, but how can you tell what is scholarly and what isn’t?

Is “Scholarly and “Peer Reviewed” the same thing?

Yes, most of the time. Scholarly journals are sometimes referred to as “Refereed” or “Peer Reviewed.” These are scholarly journals that have a rigorous approval and editing process in which experts in the field evaluate journal articles before acceptance for publication. Many scholarly journals are refereed or peer reviewed, but not all. If you know your journal is already refereed or peer reviewed, then it is a scholarly journal.

 How can I determine if my periodical is scholarly?

  1. Check the Ads. Most scholarly, peer reviewed items will have very few ads and the ones contained will deal with the academic discipline.
  2. Appearance. Articles generally structured and may include these sections: abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, bibliography. Quite often if “Journal of” appears in the title, it is a scholarly publication.
  3. Check these Reference Books:

Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory

Call number: Z6941 U5 (Reference)

This 5-volume set is kept in the Reference Collection. Entries list basic information about the periodical, including the Document Type. Look for document types that are “academic/scholarly publications.” The designation Refereed Serial will appear in entries for titles that are peer reviewed. Vol. 5 contains an alphabetical list of Refereed Periodicals.

Magazines for Libraries

Call number: Z6941 M23 (Reference)

This volume is located in the Reference Collection and lists basic information similar to Ulrich’s. Entrees that are peer reviewed contain the designation “Refereed.”

  1. Ask a Reference Librarian:

If you still have questions please come to the Reference Desk on the 1st floor of the library and talk to a reference librarian. Bring your periodical or article with you and we’ll help you determine whether or not it’s scholarly.

 Tips for Electronic Full-Text Database Articles

You may be getting many of the articles you are using from some of the library’s full-text databases (such as Academic Search Complete). How can you tell if your article is scholarly or not? You can still use steps 2, 3, and 4 above, but also keep the following in mind:

  1. Who is the author?

Is there an author listed? If not, chances are it’s not a scholarly article. Most electronic full-text databases will include brief biographical information about the author. If the author is an academic researcher or professor, the article is often considered scholarly.

  1. What is the name of the publication?

Most publications that include the word Journal tend to be scholarly. For others, it can be difficult to tell.

  1. Does this article have a bibliography, reference list, or footnotes?

This is the most important criterion for determining whether or not your article is scholarly. Check the article; if it has bibliography or footnotes, it is fairly lengthy, and if the author is some sort of researcher or professional, then this is probably a scholarly article.

 What is a Scholarly Book

 Most instructors would prefer you use scholarly books when conducting research. Unlike databases which have a feature that allows you to limit your search to scholarly or peer reviewed articles, library book catalogs do not have such a feature. To determine if a book is scholarly, you will need to look at certain features of the book.

 1.    Is the book from the General, Reference, Folio or Special Collections?
 Books from these collections are intended for academic and adult audiences. Books from the Juvenile Collection are for intended for children and are not accepted by college instructors as academic research. Juvenile books at UNCP will have a Dewey Decimal call number (812.52 J76), not a Library of Congress number (PS3565.J65 B3).

2.    Is the book a non-fiction item?
 Fiction items should not be used for anything but literary research.

3.    Who is the publisher?
Scholarly books tend to come from University Presses and specialized publishers. Examine a publisher’s website and their Mission Statement or About to learn what types of materials is published.

4.    Who is the author?
Most academic books will be written or edited by an authority in the field. Check to see if the author’s credentials are listed. There may even be an about the author page. You can also conduct a web search to discover more about the author and determine what organizations he/she is associated with. Does the author belong to associations or societies within the field?

Some academic books will be compilations by various authors who are authorities in the field. These books will list the author’s credentials either in an About the Authors page or before their selection begins.

5.    Does the book or chapters have a bibliography, reference list or footnotes?
Just scholarly articles, a lengthy bibliography or footnotes provides evidence that the author is researcher or professional in the field.

6.    Is the content academic?
Does the content the result of research and not a personal bias? Is the language appropriate for the audience and content? If the language is too simplified, the intended audience may be the general public and not academic researchers.

7.    Does the author provide in-depth details about research or topic?
Academic works are the results of research, both original research where the author will present new data on an event and comparisons to other research or studies conducted in that field. An author may comment, critique or evaluate on the previous research as well as compare it his/her own. Data may be presented in the form of charts and graphs.

Distinguishing Scholarly Journals from Other Periodicals

Scholarly Publications

Trade Publications

News or Opinion Magazines

Popular Magazines

Sensational Publications


-Financial History Review,
-Journal of Abnormal Psychology

-Advertising Age, -Nations’s Restaurant News

-Scientific America

-Cosmopolitan, -Rolling Stone

-National Enquirer


-Serious Format

-Plain cover, plain paper

-Articles are generally structured and may include these sections: abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, bibliography.

-Quite often if Journal appears in the title, it is a scholarly publication.


-Lots of illustrations

-Appealing to the eye

-Aesthetically appealing

- Glossy pages

-Short articles with little depth

-Usually appears on the newsstands

-Aesthetically appealing

- Glossy pages

-Short articles with little depth

-Usually appears on the newsstands

-Cheap feel

-Newspaper format

-Outrageous headlines

- Usually appears on the newsstands


-Charts and graphs may be included

-Few photographs

-Little color, mostly black and white

-Usually color

-Generally lots of photographs, illustrations, and graphics

-Usually in color

-Lots of photographs,

illustrations, and drawings designed to catch the readers eye

-Sensational or dramatic photographs


-Very little, what advertising there is generally pertains to the discipline

_Advertising is aimed at users familiar with the industry

-Does contain advertising

-Extensive advertising

-Advertising designed to be as shocking or dramatic as the stories


-Professionals and researchers

-Geared for the specific business, industry, or organization

-Caters to a varied audience


-Broad audience

-Readers who are very impressionable


Scholars and researchers in the discipline

-Educators or those working in the industry

-Staff or freelance writers

-Staff or freelance writers

-Staff or freelance writers



-Geared for those knowledgeable in the field

-Specific to that particular industry

-Geared for educated readership

-Assumes some expertise in the field

Designed to meet a minimal education level

-Simple and easy to read

-Inflammatory or sensational


-Inform, report, and make research available for the rest of the community

-To provide news and information for that specific industry

-Provide information for the layman

-To entertain or persuade

-Design to sell products or services

-Arouse curiosity by stretching or twisting the truth

-Seeks sales based sensationalism


-Cite sources with footnotes or bibliographies

-Some citations

-Some footnotes or bibliographies

-Occasionally cites sources

-Sources rarely cited

-Sources rarely cited


Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief.

Key characteristics to look for:

  • Statement about the methodology being used
  • Research questions to be answered
  • Definition of the group or phenomena being studied
  • Process used to study this group or phenomena, including any controls or instruments such as tests or surveys
  • Question to ask while reading: Could I recreate this study and test these results?
  • The abstract of the article should provide a description of the methodology

There are several different sections of reports of empirical studies relating to the different steps of the scientific method:

  • Abstract – A report of an empirical study includes an abstract that provides a very brief summary of the research.
  • Introduction – The introduction sets the research in a context, which provides a review of related research and develops the hypotheses for the research.
  • Method – The method section is a description of how the research was conducted, including who the participants were, the design of the study, what the participants did, and what measures were used.
  • Results – The results section describes the outcomes of the measures of the study.
  • Discussion – The discussion section contains the interpretations and implications of the study.
  • General Discussion – There may be more than one study in the report; in this case, there are usually separate Method and Results sections for each study followed by a general discussion that ties all the research together.
  • References - A references section contains information about the articles and books cited in the report

(Information taken from