Mary Livermore Library offers access to a vast number of physical and electronic resources. However, sometimes the library doesn't buy access to that content. Instead, we can borrow most books, articles, and occasionally, videos from other libraries. Typically there is no cost associated with an ILL request. If there is a cost, you will be notified and asked if you are willing to pay that cost before the item is ordered.
The following databases should be searched first when looking for journal articles on African American literature topics. If you have a recently published book, use ProQuest Central to locate bookreviews.
Depending upons your topic, you may need to search other databases to gain a better understanding of your topic. For example, a research project about slave narratives has a historical dimension as well as a literary one so you may want to search History databases.
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
1 University Drive
Pembroke, NC 28372-1510
PO Box 1510
Pembroke, NC 28372-1510