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Kinesiology / Health and Physical Education

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Recommended Books

Why we swim - A person's arm in water, in the swim position
Sport, physical culture, and the moving body : materialisms, technologies, ecologies - Image of a human body made up of black, blue, and yellow lines
Raising body positive teens : a parent's guide to diet-free living, exercise, and body image - Images of food, exercise, a pair of shades, and a cellphone
The complete guide to sports massage - A woman massaging a person's leg
Toxic legacy : how the weedkiller glyphosate is destroying our health and the environment - Close up view of wheat with the sky in the background
Physical examination & health assessment - An etching of a man
Creative fitness : applying health psychology and exercise science to everyday life - Photos of people exercising and a table of healthy food
Move : how the new science of body movement can set your mind free - Images of human figures in exercise positions
Muscle : the gripping story of strength and movement - Animated view of muscle system in the torso
Petty's musculoskeletal examination and assessment : a handbook for therapists - Purple graphic lines

Recommended eBooks

Routledge handbook of adapted physical education - Children jumping rope
Your future as a physical therapist - A man sitting on a table with a nurse examining his knee
Fit citizens : a history of Black women's exercise from post-Reconstruction to postwar America - A woman jumping in the air
Your brain on exercise - A brain with a man lifting weights
Current issues in kinesiology and sport pedagogy - A man in the running position
Essentials of kinesiology for the physical therapist assistant - Images of bones and joints
CHildren in Action Motor Program for PreschoolerS (CHAMPPS) - Images of children playing
Functional Exercise Prescription : Supporting Rehabilitation in Movement and Sport - A man getting up off the floor in four stages of recovery
A practical guide to teaching physical education in the secondary school - Images of people
Models-based practice in physical education - Geometric designs
The history of physical culture - Painting of a buff man
Critical reflections : on physical culture at the edges of empire - Newspaper print in the background.