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Business & Economics

Company Reports

Business Market Research Collection includes the following: Hoover's Company Profiles - covering 40,000 global public and non-public companies including financials, competitors, officers, and more; OxResearch - succinct articles covering regional economic and political developments of significance; US and Worldwide Industry & Market Reports from Barnes Reports - covering global industries in depth; and Snapshots - market research overviews on 40+ industries and 40 countries.
Enter the company name in the search box.

Click Browse to select to Industry and Market Research, Company Reports (Hoovers) or Country Reports.

Once you have selected an area, you can search via a search box or A to Z list.
MorningStar offers stock analysis, key ratios, performance, and filings. It can be searched by company name or ticker symbol.


ProQuest One Business combines multiple ProQuest business information databases to a total of more than 130 million documents. Content includes: Company Overviews and Reports, Industry Overviews and Reports, and Country Reports, as well as journals, eBooks, and video. Easily collect company information and investor data from industry and company reports, journal articles and news sources to report on financial performance and competitive positioning.

ProQuest One Business; Left Filter Menu, Company Reports

Business Source Ultimate offers several ways to retrieve company and industry information.
MarketLine Reports are available by clicking More in the Business Source Complete toolbar. Click Company Profile.

Business Source Ultimate, top nav bar tab Company Information

Company information can also be access by clicking on Company Information in the Right Side Browse Menu as well. The reports here will have information on the company financials, executives, subsidiaries, and products. SWOT analysis can be located in the same menu. Industry reports are also located here.

Business Source Ultimate 2


Annual Report Gallery

  • Provides links to annual reports of over 2,200 companies.

Current Industrial Reports

  • Current Industrial Report (CIR) program provides monthly, quarterly, and annual measures of industrial activity. The primary objective of the CIR program is to produce timely, accurate data on production and shipments of selected products. It is available through the U.S. Census Bureau.

EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval)

  • From the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All companies, foreign and domestic, are required to file registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms electronically through EDGAR.

National Retail Federation

  • As the world’s largest retail trade association and the voice of retail worldwide, NRF represents retailers of all types and sizes, including chain restaurants and industry partners, from the United States and more than 45 countries abroad. Retailers operate more than 3.6 million U.S. establishments that support one in four U.S. jobs – 42 million working Americans. Contributing $2.5 trillion to annual GDP, retail is a daily barometer for the nation’s economy.


  • " consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and makes it available on four platforms: German, English, French and Spanish."


  • Gives the basic information about companies in a particular industry. You can search by typing in an industry keyword or following the links for particular categories. If more extensive info is desired you have to sign up.