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Books and eBooks

The Ultimate Guide to College Transfer

The Ultimate Guide to College Transfer is a comprehensive guide, designed to make college transfer between four-year schools as successful as possible. Chapters outline the steps to take from the moment a student finds him/herself considering college transfer to the first semester at his/her next college. 

Community College Transfer Guide (2nd Edition)

The Community College Transfer Guide spells out step by step, from start to finish, what every student needs to know and do to transfer to a four-year college or university. This inexpensive book shows students how to plan and navigate their way through the maze of course and transfer requirements as well as the application and financial aid procedures.

How to Succeed in College and Beyond

How to Succeed in College and Beyond is an insightful, inspired guide to the undergraduate experience that helps students balance the joy of learning with the necessity of career preparation. Features a wealth of advice for getting the most from an undergraduate education, especially in the areas of arts and humanities, written by an experienced educator and mentor 

U Chic

Want to know a secret about life in college? Everyone--from the social butterfly in freshman orientation to the top student in Bio 101--feels a little unsure about the college experience. And that's completely normal! In fact, everyone could use a little help sometimes, especially in their first year. We know, because we've been there. But don't worry: We have you covered! ...We've got answers to your most burning college questions and tons of practical tips to ensure that you have the best four years of your life. 

Basic College Research Skills

This textbook's easy-to-read format gives students a comprehensive guide to basic college research and writing at the undergraduate and graduate levels. At the rudimentary level, it provides tips for reading texts; listening; and developing studying and writing skills. At a relatively advanced level, this text addresses some of the more prominent challenges to research and data estimation, and common-place errors in research and writing. Basic College Research Skills has been presented to be an enduring companion for college students who are undertaking demanding academic courses in research and writing.

The Secrets of College Success

Heading off to college? Or perhaps already there? This book's just for you. Winner of the 2010 USA Book News Award for best book in the college category, The Secrets of College Success combines easy-to-follow tips that really work with insider information that few professors are willing to reveal. With over 800 tips ... [t]he Secrets of College Success makes a wonderful back-to-college or high-school-graduation gift - or a smart investment in your own future.

Surviving Your First Year of College

Are you worried about Surviving Your First Year of College? Or are you so excited about new friends, new freedom, and dating that you haven't even begun to think about classes, all-nighters, and ten-page papers? Whichever side of the spectrum you fall on-or maybe somewhere in between-this book is for you.Author Michael A. Kipp, who attended four different universities in four years and now teaches at a private Christian university, has seen it all and is here to help you navigate the worst parts of college and succeed at the best parts. 

The Essential Guide to Becoming a Master Student

THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO BECOMING A MASTER STUDENT, 4th Edition, was written with you in mind. Beginning with an introduction to higher education, you will learn about Master Student Qualities - the attitudes and behaviors that lead to success in the classroom and beyond. 

How to Write a Thesis

Umberto Eco's wise and witty guide to researching and writing a thesis, published in English for the first time. He not only offers practical advice but also considers larger questions about the value of the thesis-writing exercise. How to Write a Thesis is unlike any other writing manual. It reads like a novel. It is opinionated. It is frequently irreverent, sometimes polemical, and often hilarious. 

Useful Resources

Find more video tutorials on the Library Tutorial page or visit us here: 

YouTube Play Icon UNCP Library YouTube 

Go to the A-Z Database List and select L to sort by title. 
Select Learning Express Complete Library/PrepSTEP Academic.
You will be able to log in using your UNCP Google Account. You must complete this step to access the practice exams. Signing in allows you to start a practice test, leave it and return later to that test. If you do not sign in at this point you will be required to later before the test can be accessed.
Click Career Preparation.
Scroll down the list and select the appropriate career testing link. 
Scroll down and select the practice exam you wish to prepare for.
The test will open.
You can complete the test and score it or return to it later.


The Mary Livermore Library offers many services and resources to assist the students of UNCP. We hope you use this guide to familiarize yourself with the research process and how the library can support you as you are looking for information without our resources. This guide will: 

  • Help you get started researching and point you to library resources and how to use them
  • Offer information about the research process
  • Explain information literacy
  • Introduce the library's general education and graduate research courses. 

The faculty and staff of the Livermore library look forward to working with all of you.

Research Help