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ENG 3580 Professional Writing

Getting Started...

This guide was created to assist students conducting research in professional writing. You may use this guide to find a variety of resources available in the Library both in print and electronic format. Navigate the tabs above to see specific types of resources that are available.

Depending on the topic you are interested in researching, you will most likely be using a variety of resources. Some of the best resources to begin gathering ideas include reference books which can be found on the first floor of the Library. A list of good reference books can be found under the 'Find Books' tab. In the General Collection, many of the books that may be of interest can be found in the call number range beginning with 'E 99'.

The Internet is also a good place to get some ideas on how to shape your topic. Remember, as a scholar you will not be using many Internet sources in your research, but certainly there are some good websites for finding information on Native American health under the 'Find Websites' tab. Finally, the best place to start looking for scholarly journal articles would be the 'Find Articles' tab. A good portion of your research should come from peer-reviewed journal articles which can be searched using the Library's Electronic Resources.