American Religion Data Archive
- Provides statistical information on religion in America, such as the number of churches, ministers, and members of various denominations. Contains many maps of the United States as a whole, individual states, and counties which depict the data in a visual format.
Encyclopedia Mythica
- A Mythology and Folklore Reference: A bestiary, legendary heroes, an image gallery, and genealogical tables of various pantheons and prominent houses
Internet Sacred Text Archive
- Bills itself as the "largest freely available archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on the Internet."
The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
- The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life seeks to promote a deeper understanding of issues at the intersection of religion and public affairs.
Religion Online
- Online Library of over 5,000 articles and book chapters dealing with religious topics, such as ethics, social issues, theologians, churches and societies, and much more. Limited primarily to the Christian Religion. Arranged as a directory but also has a search option.
Religious Dispatches
- Religion Dispatches: your independent, non-profit, Webby-nominated source for the best writing on critical and timely issues at the intersection of religion, politics and culture.
Religious Studies Web Guides
- Directory containing links to religion web sites organized by format (bibliographies, indexes, text) or by religious group (Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism, etc). Also has a search option.
Virtual Religion Index
- Provides links to religious web sites, including those dealing with Buddhism, East Asian religions, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and may more.
Visual Glossary of Religious Symbols
- Provides information about and pictorial representations of religious symbols.
Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion
- Extensive resource providing links to web sites dealing with a wide variety of topics in religion from various religions around the world to the history of Christianity to social thought.