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NURS 4000 - Nursing Research and Theory

EBSCO Folder

Using EBSCO Folders

 Some of the most commonly used databases, such as Academic Search CompletePsycINFO, and Social Work Abstracts, are made available through the publisher EBSCO. A useful feature from EBSCO is the ability to set up a personal account and to create folders; this is especially important for students working on multiple research assignments. Students can create a folder for each course (or for each assignment for that matter).

 Account Setup

Open an EBSCO database (such as Academic Search Complete) Remember, that if you are off campus, you will need to log in using your library login first. When the database opens, look at the top of the window and click the Sign In link (see image below).

Next, click the Create a new Account link (see image below) and submit the application form (you will need a valid email address). Make sure that you note your username and password (the Library cannot help you if you forget your login information – this is an EBSCO account and not a library account).

Saving Your Research

When researching using an EBSCO database, simply click the folder icon ( ) at the end of the citation you wish to save from the results list (see image below). When you are finished saving citations, click the folder icon at the top of the window.

Creating Folders

When the folder window opens, click the Sign In link. After logging into EBSCO, you can now create folders for your research. On the left side of the window click the New link (see image below). You will then be prompted to name the folder. You can also move the new material inside an existing folder.

Moving Your Research to Folders

After you have created a folder, you can now move your article citations into one or more folders. Simply click the check-box for each citation you want to move, or click the Select/deselect all link (see image below) to move all of the citations to a single folder.

After selecting the citations you wish to move, click the Move To button and then select the folder in which you wish to put the citations (see image below).

Whenever you log into EBSCO, these citations (and any full-text articles) will be saved in the folder in which you moved them. You can then print, email, or save to a disk any of these citations or articles (see image below).