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Library Account & Policies

Community Borrowers

UNCP Community Borrower members will gain access to popular fiction and children's literature, research interests and hobbies, support education, attend events, interact with librarians, the library mailing list, and more.

UNCP Community Borrower Requirements:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Photo ID and current contact information at purchase

Membership guidelines:

  • A community borrower may borrow up to five items total at a time.
  • The library card must be presented at checkout and only the card holder is permitted to use the card. Borrowing privileges are not transferable.
  • Borrowers are responsible for all materials checked out until they are returned to the library. Lost or damaged materials must be paid for, including: the replacement cost and a processing fee. Borrowing privileges are suspended if a borrower has missing or lost books or owes fees.


  • A UNCP Community Borrower card is $25. 
  • If a Community Borrower loses their card, they may purchase a new card for $5.
  • Renewal of membership is $25. 
  • Please inquire at the Patron Services Desk about replacement costs and processing fees.

Borrowing Policies

Borrowing Information:

Community Borrowers can borrow circulating materials from Mary Livermore Library. Special Collections and Archives, Periodicals, and Reference materials are not part of circulating materials, and are not available for check-out.

Community Borrowers:

General Information Borrowing Period Borrowing Limits
Books 3 Weeks 5 Total Checkouts
New Books 2 Weeks 1 Total Checkout
Media (Audiobooks/DVD's) 2 Weeks 5 Total Checkouts
Electronic Resources  Public Access Computers No Limits

Renewal Policies


Renewal Terms:

General Information Community Borrowers Policy Exception Community Borrowers
No. of Renewals 2 Renewals New Books 1 Renewal**

After the above stated renewals the patron must bring materials back into the library to be checked in. If there are no holds on the materials, patrons will be able to check the materials back out. 

Reserve Items cannot be renewed. Items must be checked in before checking the materials back out to account for other student needs. 

**Additional renewals may be permitted if no holds are placed on the item.