Where is the library located?
The Mary Livermore Library located at the corner of Faculty Row and Old Main Road, across the railroad tracks from McDonalds (building 40 on the map below). The main entrance is facing the water feature. View the campus map here. The library is number 40.
Do I need an account to use the library services?
Library accounts are created automatically each semester for all UNCP students.
If you are off campus, you are instructed to log in to get the full results from Primo and to access the library's databases. This login consists of your campus login. More info about Primo can be found here. ARTStor, RefWorks and SciFinder Scholar require that you create accounts on campus. Contact the Reference Desk (910.521.6656) for assistance.
If a database prompts you to login after using your UNCP username and password, contact the Reference Desk.
Does the library have computers and printers?
There is a computer lab located on the second floor of the building.
Student printing is via the WEPA print services. Students have printing funds loaded on their students IDs. Additional funds can be loaded on the IDs. Division of Information Technology (DoIT) handles handles student printing.
Does the library have textbooks?
Typically the library will not have textbooks for your classes. The Library may own supplemental reading materials, but not textbooks. Some professors may place copies on Reserve. The instructor will determine the amount of time an reserve item can be checked out.
Primo is a single search interface that provides a gateway to a wealth of scholarly content, including print, electronic and digital collections. Below is a video explaining how to use this tool for basic searching.
Our YouTube channel features many helpful videos for many library databases and library basics. Below is a playlist of some of the library basics videos you might want to look at as a new student.
This video will show you how to log in to your library account, view your loans, request, and fees, as well as renew material. You can also access your RefWorks account.
The Mary Livermore Library offers many services and resources to assist the students of UNCP.
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