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Social Work Theories

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Justice Framework


Adeola, F. O. (2000). Cross-national environmental injustice and human rights issues: A review of evidence in the developing world. American Behavioral Scientist, 43(4), 686-706. doi:

Arbour, R., Signal, T., & Taylor, N. (2009). Teaching kindness: The promise of humane education. Society & Animals, 17(2), 136-148. doi:10.1163/156853009X418073

Bell, C., & O'Rourke, C. (2007). Does feminism need a theory of transitional justice? an introductory essay. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1(1), 23-44. doi:10.1093/ijtj/ijm002

Briones, L. (2011). Rights with capabilities: Towards a social justice framework for migrant activism. Studies in Social Justice, 5(1), 127. Retrieved from

Cooper, J. M., Dollarhide, C. T., Radliff, K. M., & Gibbs, T. A. (2014). No lone wolf: A multidisciplinary approach to creating safe schools for LGBTQ youth through the development of allies. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 8(4), 344-360. doi:

Cramer, E. P. (2004). Unintended consequences of constructing criminal justice as a dominant paradigm in understanding and intervening in intimate partner violence. Women's Studies Quarterly, 32(3-4), 164-180. Retrieved from

Doak, J. (2015). Enriching trial justice for crime victims in common law systems: Lessons from transitional environments. International Review of Victimology, 21(2), 139-160. doi:10.1177/0269758015571469

Dover, A. G. (2015). 'Promoting acceptance' or 'preparing warrior scholars': Variance in teaching for social justice vision and praxis. Equity & Excellence in Education, 48(3), 361-372. doi:10.1080/10665684.2015.1056710

Exline, J. J., Worthington, J.,Everett L., Hill, P., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Forgiveness and justice: A research agenda for social and personality psychology. Personality & Social Psychology Review (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), 7(4), 337-348. Retrieved from

Faden, R., & Powers, M. (2011). A social justice framework for health and science policy. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 20(4), 596-604. doi:

Figueroa, J. L., & Rodriguez, G. M. (2015). Critical mentoring practices to support diverse students in higher education: Chicana/Latina faculty perspectives. New Directions for Higher Education, 2015(171), 23-32. doi:10.1002/he.20139

Gaisbauer, H. P., Schweiger, G., & Sedmak, C. (2013). Ethical obligations of wealthy people: Progressive taxation and the financial crisis. Ethics & Social Welfare, 7(2), 141. Retrieved from

Granruth, L. B. (2009). Justice implications of the proposed federal family and work tax credits: Applying justice theories to policy advocacy. Families in Society, 90(2), 205. Retrieved from

Harris, A. (2008). The social construction of 'sophisticated' adolescents: How judges integrate juvenile and criminal justice decision-making models. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 37(4), 469-506. doi:10.1177/0891241607309886

Hawkins, A. J., Marshall, C. M., & Meiners, K. M. (1995). Exploring wives' sense of fairness about family work: An initial test of the distributive justice framework. Journal of Family Issues, 16(6), 693-721. doi:

Heitmeyer, C., & Unnithan, M. (2015). Bodily rights and collective claims: The work of legal activists in interpreting reproductive and maternal rights in india. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 21(2), 374-390. doi:10.1111/1467-9655.12211

Jacobson, M. (2007). Food matters: Community food assessments as a tool for change. Journal of Community Practice, 15(3), 37-55. doi:

JESUDASON, S., & KIMPORT, K. (2013). Decentering the individual and centering community. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 34(3), 213-225. Retrieved from

Kendall, N. (2008). Sexuality education in an abstinence-only era: A comparative case study of two U.S. states. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 5(2), 23-44. doi:

Kidd, S., & McKenzie, K. (2014). Social entrepreneurship and services for marginalized groups. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care, 7(1), 3-13. doi:

Kluwer, E. S., Heesink, J. A. M., & Evert van de Vliert. (2002). The division of labor across the transition to parenthood: A justice perspective. Journal of Marriage and Family, 64(4), 930-943. Retrieved from

Lau, C., Hulpke, J. F., To, M., & Kelly, A. (2007). Can ethical decision making be taught? the JUSTICE approach. Social Responsibility Journal, 3(2), 3-10. doi:

Morris, P. M. (2002). The capabilities perspective: A framework for social justice. Families in Society, 83(4), 365-373. Retrieved from

Morrow, M., & Weisser, J. (2012). Towards a social justice framework of mental health recovery. Studies in Social Justice, 6(1), 27-43. Retrieved from

Patterson, D. A., Cronley, C., West, S., & Lantz, J. (2014). Social justice manifest: A university-community partnership to promote the individual right to housing. Journal of Social Work Education, 50(2), 234-246. Retrieved from

Pica-Smith, C., & Poynton, T. A. (2014). Supporting interethnic and interracial friendships among youth to reduce prejudice and racism in schools: The role of the school counselor. Professional School Counseling, 18(1), 82-89. Retrieved from

Pillay, J. (2014). Advancement of children’s rights in africa: A social justice framework for school psychologists. School Psychology International, 35(3), 225-240. doi:

Rettig, K. D., & Dahl, C. M. (1993). Impact of procedural factors on perceived justice in divorce settlements. Social Justice Research, 6(3), 301-324. Retrieved from

Rupp, D. E., Ganapathi, J., Aguilera, R. V., & Williams, C. A. (2006). Employee reactions to corporate social responsibility: An organizational justice framework. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27(4), 537-543. doi:

Schiele, J. H., & Hopps, J. G. (2009). Racial minorities then and now: The continuing significance of race. Social Work, 54(3), 195-199. doi:10.1093/sw/54.3.195

Seedall, R. B., Holtrop, K., & Parra-Cardona, J. R. (2014). Diversity, social justice, and intersectionality trends in c/mft: A content analysis of three family therapy journals, 2004-2011. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 40(2), 139-51. Retrieved from

Slocum, L. A., Wiley, S. A., & Esbensen, F. (2016). The importance of being satisfied: A longitudinal exploration of police contact, procedural injustice, and subsequent delinquency. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 43(1), 7. Retrieved from

Slovak, K., Sparks, A., & Hall, S. (2011). Attention to rural populations in social work's scholarly journals. Journal of Social Service Research, 37(4), 428-438. doi:

Stretesky, P., & Lynch, M. J. (1998). Corporate environmental violence and racism. Crime, Law and Social Change, 30(2), 163-184. doi:

Sumaila, U. R., & Bawumia, M. (2014). Fisheries, ecosystem justice and piracy: A case study of somalia. Fisheries Research, 157, 154-163. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.04.009

Wilson-Strydom, M. (2015). University access and theories of social justice: Contributions of the capabilities approach. Higher Education, 69(1), 143-155. doi:10.1007/s10734-014-9766-5

Wolbring, G. (2005). A disability rights approach towards sex selection. Development, 48(4), 106-112. doi:

Wong, Y., Ngo, H., & Wong, C. (2002). Affective organizational commitment of workers in chinese joint ventures. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17(7), 580-598. doi:

Wood, W. R. (2012). Correcting community service: From work crews to community work in a juvenile court. Justice Quarterly : JQ, 29(5), 684. Retrieved from

Zehr, H. (2004). Commentary: Restorative justice: Beyond victim-offender mediation. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 22(1-2), 305-315. Retrieved from

Zhang, H. (2014). Explaining the perceived justice of disaster relief policy: An empirical study based on the 2008 wenchuan earthquake in china. International Journal of Social Welfare, 23(2), 150-164. doi: